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                ETERNAL LIFE

Community Garden Rules

1. Each gardener is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden plot.


Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance are all the responsibility of the gardener. Gardeners may arrange for other gardeners to water their plots.

2. Tools will be made available for use during the regularly scheduled work time each week.


A limited number of tools, hoses and watering equipment will be available in the community garden storage bin for use during non-scheduled work times. Regularly scheduled work times will be posted on the garden bulletin board.

3. Each gardener will be given one key to the garden and the storage bin for access to tools and watering equipment.


Gardeners are responsible for bringing that key each time they work in the garden. Keep garden gate and storage bin locked at all times and return all tools.

4. Children are welcome in the garden but must be accompanied by an adult and must be supervised at all times.

5. Each gardener must complete a Release of all Claims form before any work in the garden can begin.

6. Garden plots should be cared for at least once a week.


It is the gardener's responsibility to notify the coordinator if he or she is not able to care for their plot in any given week. If any plot remains unattended for more than three weeks that plot is subject to reassignment.

7. The application of herbicides (weed killers) to the garden plots is prohibited.

8. Assignment of garden plots will be awarded by a lottery system. Preference for next year's plots will be given to this year's participants first.

9. Plot fees are due in full before the garden season begins.

10. Gardeners may harvest vegetables and flowers from their garden only.

11. At the end of the growing season, gardeners are responsible for clearing their plot of all plant material and leaving the plot as they found it in the spring.

12. The Garden Committee is responsible for ensuring that the rules are followed at all times. The committee is made up of gardeners elected each year at the spring meeting.

All visitors are asked to sign in during non public hours to monitor and maintain a safe garden environment

             There is absolutely




              THANK YOU

Please be nice

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